
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Joyce Mary Reid

Joyce Mary Reid

December 18, 1947 - June 15, 2023

Joyce Mary Reid Joyce Mary Reid
    June 20, 2023 | 4:00 - 8:00 P.M.
  • Yurs Funeral Home
    1771 West State Street
    Geneva, Illinois
  • Funeral
  • June 21, 2023 | 10:30 A.M.
  • St. Patrick Catholic Church
    6N491 Crane Road
    St. Charles, Illinois
  • Burial Location
    Resurrection Cemetery


Bob Barb Pittan from Las Vegas , NV

"Diane and Don and family, Our deepest sympathies. As hard as it is to be left behind, God has given Joyce peace now. Our prayers are for you to have peace in your hearts as well."

The Schutta Family from Hampshire , IL

"May your sorrow at this time be comforted by your enduring faith and the love and support from your family and friends."

Brenda & Marty Patrick from Brentwood, CA

"Our hearts are broken for Don over losing Joyce. Their devotion to each other was a constant confirmation of their love. We miss her and cherish her memory."

George and Connie Birmingham from Denver, NC

"Don, Diane, and Gary, we send our heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Joyce created so much love and wonderful memories for all of you. She will be missed by all who knew her. Don, always remember that she will surround you with her love and bring you peace. We will always cherish the friendship we share and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers."

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