
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Albert Joseph Lenkaitis

Albert Joseph Lenkaitis

August 26, 1944 - May 10, 2020

Albert Joseph Lenkaitis Albert Joseph Lenkaitis
  • Funeral
  • Yurs Funeral Home

Albert Joseph Lenkaitis Sr, age 75, passed away Sunday, May 10, 2020 at his home in Saint Charles, IL. A life-long agricultural enthusiast, he was born August 26, 1944 in Spring Valley, IL and raised in nearby Granville on his family’s dairy farm. He met his true love, Mary Etta (Capitani) on February 10, 1961 when the two were set-up on a date for a school dance. They were married on June 24, 1967 and enjoyed 53 years together. They have four children and eleven grandchildren.


Albert graduated from the University of Illinois in 1966 with a degree in ag economics and dairy science. He briefly worked in construction before beginning a job at a grain elevator. There, he was given a chance to work for the company as a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade – a job that flourished into a 53-year career. He abruptly left March 17, 2020 when he was unable to continue due to his lung cancer diagnosis.


His escape from the hustle and bustle of working in the city was the family’s dairy farm. Albert and Mary Etta purchased the farm in 1983 as it was located next to their home in St. Charles, IL. The couple wanted to seize the opportunity to reconnect to the industry and the lifestyle. Although the landscape around them has changed with urban sprawl, the couple has been committed to making the farm sustainable for future generations of the family to enjoy. Most recently, they built a new dairy barn outfitted with technology including robotic milkers.


While this dairy farmer rarely milked a cow, he drove tractors every evening after work and on weekends. If he wasn’t in a tractor, you would likely find him in the farm shop. There, he would work on anything that needed fixing and could tell you the location of every tool and part in the crammed cabinets and shelves. At any Kane County 4-H, Illinois Holstein Association or National Red and White Dairy Cattle Association event, you could count on your conversation with him to include the latest news on the agricultural commodity markets or a funny joke. You could also count on him to have a pipe, cup of coffee or both in-hand.


The people closest to him will remember him for his witty banter. Albert was known to ask challenging questions and put forward challenging ideas. Although frustrating in the moment, it always resulted in his unwavering support – if you were willing to put in the work. Many can attest to how the unconventional approach pushed them to go further, reshaped their ideas and enriched their lives. These stories from friends and family are an important part of his legacy and some of his proudest moments.


Albert is survived by his son Albert, Jr. (Rhonda) and their children, Briley, AJ, Caden and Denver, daughter Elizabeth (James) and their children JT, Katelyn and Ella, daughter Victoria (Ryan) and their children Ethan, Isabel and Marshall and son Andrew (Sarah) and their son Lucas.


Private services will be held May 14, 2020 at Yurs Funeral Home in St. Charles. A Celebration of Life memorial will be scheduled later in the year as conditions allow.


Every Kane County Fair, Albert would be ringside watching his children (and more recently grandchildren) showing their favorite animals. He believed in the impact of youth agricultural programs and served as the Dairy Superintendent and on the Blue Ribbon Sale committee. Therefore, in lieu of flowers or gifts, please consider honoring Albert’s memory with a donation to the Kane County 4-H Foundation 535 S. Randall Road, Ste A, St. Charles, IL 60174.


Ce Faulkner from Piedmont, SD

"You will be so missed by your family. Those of us who have had the opportunity to enjoy your company are also going to miss you. Enjoyed every minute of 'cow' time with you and your family. Ce & Chris"

Hayes Family from St. Charles, IL

"The neighborhood will never be the same without Albert! Linda is going to miss the teasing that Albert used to throw her way!!! Our thoughts & prayers are with your family during this sad time. We love you ALL!!"

Steph Faymoville from Fox Lake, WI

"Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Find joy in knowing he is at peace and will be watching you from a new ringside for years to come. He was a wonderful man who will be missed by many."

Apida Family from St Charles, IL

"Our thoughts and prayers are with your whole family. Albert will be so missed, his humor, his knowledge and being an all around incredible person. Love the Apidas."

Apida Family from St Charles, IL

"Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Albert will be so missed, his humor, his knowledge, and just being an incredible person. Love the Apidas."

Marilyn Sue Winter from Altamont, IL

"Sorry for your loss. Clyde Winter family"

Ron and Karen Schaufelberger from Greenville, IL

"We send our sympathy at this time of Albert's passing. He certainly was a huge credit to the dairy breed organizations, our Junior Association and the ag community where he lived. He will surely be missed but he left behind a group of children and grandchildren that will keep his legacy alive. He was proud of each of them. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family."

Thyens from Grove City, MN

"Prayers to the family, I'm sad to hear of Albert's passing. It was always fun to visit with him when he came to Minnesota for Red & White trips."

Joe Lyons from Ferrysburg, MI

"Albert. One of those friends that if you only saw him once in ten years you could start right back talking like time never passed. So sorry for your loss Mary Etta. Time passed so quickly."

Natalie Puntney from Bridgeport, IL

"So sorry and sad to hear of Albert's death. The world was a better place because of him. I enjoyed his wit every morning as my day started Bridgeport Grain, often he had a joke for me. His laugh made my day. I will surely miss his calls."

The State Bank of Geneva from Geneva, IL

"From all of us at The State Bank of Geneva we send our sincere sympathy to all the Lenkaitis Family. May Albert rest in peace."

David A Corron from St. Charles, IL

"The Corron Farm sends their love and support to all of the Lenkaitis Family! Albert was a wonderful individual with whom Dave enjoyed talking about tractors with! Albert will be missed, may his soul rest in peace. Plese know that the Corron's are here with their support and hugs."

Tom & Patti Hodge from St Charles, IL

"We will miss you, Albert. Our sympathies to all of your family."

Janet Huerkamp from Columbus , MS

"Regret never making it to the CBOT to visit with “Alberto” and Bill. Albert always made my day with his daily funny when I worked with Tom Soya Grain. Will miss you Big Guy and God help St Peter if he tries to make a trade!"

Gene & Joanie Bogner from Bellingham, WA

"Mary Etta and Family,Our heart felt sympathies go out to you. Lots of good memories from a long time ago. He could be a challenge and could certainly make you think. That picture of him sitting on the bench, pipe in hand, grin on his face is so natural and fitting."

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