
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Gordon R. Hughes, Jr.

Gordon R. Hughes, Jr.

May 29, 1947 - April 26, 2021

Gordon R. Hughes, Jr. Gordon R. Hughes, Jr.
    May 7, 2021 | 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
  • Yurs Funeral Home St. Charles
  • Funeral

Donations may be Made to : Mayo Clinic Pulmonary Department 200 1st St SW Rochester, MN. 55905


Tricia and Jeff Grosser from Elgin, IL

"Our sympathies are with you, Karen. You have so much to handle right now. We pray for the strength you need."

The Moravecs from Lake Worth , FL

"A true, very loved friend to our family and SO much more! Rest In Peace, but just know God can use a good lawn man. We love you and will miss you. XOXO"

Anna from St. Charles, IL

"You will be deeply missed by all who loved you. And I pray the angels kept a stash of Cherry Coke for you in heaven!! ;-) Until we meet again my dear friend...xoxo"

Catherine and Ron Richardson from FUQUAY Barina, NC

"We know that Gordy has organized several Poker Games in heaven by now. We always enjoyed those. Karen and Donna Kay and the rest of family and friends, we pray for comfort. Xox"

Clay Campbell from Sycamore, IL

"Did quite a few cases with Gordon over the years. Good man. Tenacious for his clients, total gentleman outside the courtroom. Godspeed, Sir."

Former Client from Aurora, IL

"Never want to see anyone pass but at least you won't be able to rip anyone off anymore. Hope God has a special place for you sir caused alot of years of grief and not that I am smiling today but😂😂"

Kelly from Surprise, AZ

"I hope you find the peace that you were always looking for."

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