Whether you have just experienced a loss or are pre-planning a service, Yurs understands how emotional and confusing the process and moment can be. We deliver the perfect balance of comfort, clarity, and personalized services to put your mind at ease.
Planning a funeral service can be overwhelming, but with a helpful guide, you can weigh all of your options and consider each choice. It’s important to consider where you will have your services for your loved one.
One important factor is location. For those residing in the Fox Valley area, Yurs Funeral Homes has two locations – St. Charles and Geneva.
Types of Services
Funeral services encompass several events including the visitation at the funeral home, funeral service (at the funeral home), and the burial.
Cremation services have traditionally involved visitation services in funeral homes, with the cremated remains interred in an urn or vault. Cremation can include with or without memorial service.
Burial services have been known to begin from the funeral home or the church to the cemetery. This service offers the opportunity for praying and final words to be given. This is typically a helpful step in the grieving process.
Memorial services are also available and can be either contemporary or traditional. Typically families hold memorial services in the week following a death. Families can opt to have a reception following the memorial service, and this can take place at a family member’s home, place of worship or restaurant.
Veteran services are available – and are a part of Public Law 106-65 requiring that every eligible Veteran receive a military funeral honors ceremony which includes folding and presenting the United States burial flag and the playing of Taps from two or more uniformed military persons with at least one being a member of the Veteran’s parent service of the armed forces.
Yurs contacts the Department of Defense to arrange the military funeral honors on behalf of the family. Yurs Funeral Homes can also get in touch with the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration to arrange the funeral homes at a VA National Cemetery.
If you’d like to know more about any of these services or have questions, Yurs Funeral Homes can navigate you through this difficult time. Please contact us today for more information regarding our services.