
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Dominick A. Scotello

Dominick A. Scotello

August 10, 1994 - May 11, 2021

Dominick A. Scotello Dominick A. Scotello
    May 20, 2021 | 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
  • Yurs Funeral Home
    405 E. Main Street
    St. Charles, Illinois 60174
  • Funeral
  • May 20, 2021 | 11:00 A.M.
  • St. John Neumann Catholic Church
    2900 E. Main Street
    St. Charles, Illinois 60174
  • Burial Location
    Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Aurora, Illinois

Dominick A. Scotello age 26, of Tarzana, California passed away suddenly May 11, 2021. He was born August 10, 1994 to Frank and Laura Scotello in Park Ridge, Illinois.

He is survived by his father Frank Scotello, sister Annamarie Scotello, brother Anthony Scotello, paternal grandfather Joseph Scotello

He was preceded in death by his mother, paternal grandmother Marie, maternal grandparents Lou and Loretta Finger.

Dominick was a friend to everyone he met and he will be dearly missed.

Visitation will be 9:00 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Thursday, May 20, 2021, at Yurs Funeral Home 405 E. Main Street, St. Charles, Illinois  60174. Funeral Mass will be 11:00 A.M. Thursday May 20, 2021, at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, 2900 E. Main Street, St. Charles, Illinois 60174. Burial will be at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Aurora, Illinois.


Pam (Brandt) Sullivan from DeKalb , IL

"Frank, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers."

Rich Eisenhuth from Arlington Heights, IL

"Dear Scotello family. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your beloved Dominick. His good heart shines through in this photo. May your joyful memories bring you comfort as you endure your loss. Your many friends are here for you whenever you need us! Rich Eisenhuth"

Joann Locascio Shotola from Eugene , OR

"Sorry for your sudden loss. My thoughts are with you guys."

john crowley from Barrington, IL

"Frank and family,My sincere condolences on the loss of your son Dominick. Our thoughts and prayers are with you."

Vict Pascarelli from Holderness, NH

"Frank, so sorry hear about the loss of Dominick. You and the family are in our thoughts."

Steve & Liz Farquhar from Phoenix, AZ

"Frank - very sorry to hear this tragic news - prayers from Liz and I to you and your family - our sympathies."

Laura Perez from Grand Rapids, MI

"My deepest condolences to your family. The impact of Dominick’s kind and joyful spirit will be forever our hearts."

Laura Perez from Grand Rapids, MI

"My deepest condolences to your family. The impact of Dominick’s kind and joyful spirit will be forever in our hearts."

Roger Perez jr from Grand Rapids, CA

"Dom not a day will go by i don’t think about you. You’re my big brother. I love you man"

Karen & Marty Brickman from St charles, IL

"Scatello family we are saddened with the loss of such a wonderful son. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.. God Bless"

Alyssa Virden from Charleston , SC

"The only thing that makes this bearable is knowing that there is no more suffering for you, you’re truly free. However, there’s a huge hole in our hearts that you left behind. Miss you forever xoxo"

Jeremy Almodovar from Los Angeles, CA

"You were more than a a selfless friend. You were more than the support I leaned on in any difficulty. You were my brother. When things were rough for you, I tried my best to make sure you were alright & when things got rough for me, you repaid that kindness 10 fold. You saved my life by opening the door way for me to become sober and to become a better person. And I tried. And thru all my challenges, you were still there to pick me up when I didn’t know what I was doing and fell on my face. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. I miss you brother but I know at least now you can rest easy."

Laura Boulos from Los Angeles, CA

"Dear Scotello Family. You don't know me, but I knew Dom (Slip as he was known to me). He was an incredible person and was so kind to me. He was a great friend and has touched my soul all the way here in Sydney Australia. I'm so sorry for your loss and am extremely sad to hear of his passing. I'm going to miss him terribly. May he forever rest in eternal peace. RIP my friend xoxo Abra"

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