
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Larry Maholland

Larry Maholland

November 4, 1945 - September 7, 2021

Larry Maholland Larry Maholland
    September 20, 2021 | 4:00 to 8:00 P.M.
  • Yurs Funeral Home
    405 E. Main Street
    St. Charles, Illinois 60174
  • Funeral
  • Private Service
  • Burial Location

Larry Maholland, former City Administrator of St. Charles, died peacefully on Tuesday, September 7, following a brief period in hospice care at Delnor Hospital, during which he was surrounded by family and friends.

The son of Bill and Betty Maholland, Larry was born on November 4, 1945 in Peoria, IL. He married Sharon Altman on September 4, 1971 in Manteno, IL.

Larry began his career in the public sector in 1971 as the Accountant at Tinley Park Mental Health Center. He and Sharon lived first in Tinley Park, then Manteno before moving to the northwest suburbs. Larry managed the Arlington Heights Park District’s Forest View Racquet Club before his promotion to Business and Revenue Facilities Manager. He transitioned to municipal government as Finance Director in Streamwood. Larry finally settled in St. Charles, where he spent 15 years as Finance Director, prior to his appointment in 1997 as the City’s first Administrator.

Larry’s focus was always on excellence. As Finance Director, his award-winning budgets served as a model for other municipalities. Not only that, he used his artistic talent to create “budget-humor” cartoons for the covers of each year’s budget instructions. His financial expertise led to teaching budgeting and finance courses at Northern Illinois University in later years.

As City Administrator, Larry weighed each decision against the mission statement he helped create: Stewardship, Engagement, Collaboration. As a steward of the community, he oversaw the East Gateway development, the downtown façade improvement and revitalization project, the creation of a municipal campus, and the reopening of the Hotel Baker. These efforts resulted in a Great American Main Street Award in 2000.

Larry was most proud of the First Street redevelopment. He had not only the vision for that project, but the ability to lay the foundation for its completion by acquiring the property through lengthy negotiations. This enabled the City to develop the lively, inviting environment that residents and visitors enjoy today. Although he retired before its completion, Larry loved driving down First Street and seeing it just as he had imagined.

Larry engaged with the community in numerous ways as well. He supported the City’s Downtown Partnership and the Chamber of Commerce. He arranged for facilitators to gather resident feedback through focus groups and created City Hall Comes to You. He engaged with all City employees by meeting with them personally and by connecting them with employees from other departments. Larry served through Rotary, where he served as the Youth Exchange Officer for many years. He also served on the Library Foundation and the River Corridor Foundation as a founding member of each.

Finally, Larry encouraged collaboration by participating in the creation of the intergovernmental group that exists today. Leaders of the City, the School District, the Park District and the Library District meet to discuss individual concerns and work together to resolve issues. He also collaborated with surrounding communities on developing leadership training.

Larry was himself a life-long learner, and he encouraged that in others. He thoroughly enjoyed mentoring his interns. A number of them are now successful administrators.

After his retirement from St. Charles in 2005, Larry worked for several years at Sikich, as a consultant working with government entities. He assisted primarily with strategic planning and process improvement, always focusing on the final action plan.

He was able to combine this part-time work, however, with plenty of time traveling and spending time with family and friends in Wisconsin. He also was able to spend time pursuing drawing and produced a number of highly detailed colored-pencil works.

As committed as Larry Maholland was to his work, nothing was more important to him than his family and friends. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and uncle. He and Sharon recently celebrated 50 beautiful years together. Spending time with his family brought him joy, and he loved them unconditionally.  He was never happier than making his grandkids smile – telling silly jokes, engaging in dance contests, giving horseyback rides, shooting baskets, taking them to the park, offering them ice cream so he could have some, too. Larry had a dry wit that often caught people off guard until they knew him better. He was a devoted friend who, in turn, inspired love and devotion in others. His humor and unflappable positivity will be missed by all those who knew him.

Larry was preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by his wife Sharon, his son Michael (Rebecca), his grandchildren Isaac, Ada and Emilia, and his sister Judy Terando.

Visitation will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday, September 20 at Yurs Funeral Home, 405 East Main Street, St. Charles, IL 60174. A private celebration of Larry’s life will be held at a later date, to be determined. Donations in Larry’s memory may be made to the St. Charles Public Library Foundation, 1 South 6th Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174. Donations will be directed toward special needs programming and facilities.



Dick & Marilyn Bousman from Menifee, CA

"Words cannot express how sad we feel for your loss. We are keeping you in our prayers requesting soothing peace and comfort for all or you. Please give us a call when you feel like talking."

Britta McKenna from Batavia, IL

"Larry was THE definition of a public servant, financial expert, model city administrator and mentor extraordinaire. His exemplary legacy is the standard for public administration and he will be missed by the many people and organizations he touched and served."

Barbara Yaney Palmer from Batavia, IL

"Dear Sharon and family, I loved hearing your stories, Sharon, during our years together at Waubonsie Valley. My daughter, Monica, was so appreciative of Larry's intelligence and kindness. She worked as his intern at City of St. Charles during 2 years of her high school time. I am so sorry for such a sad loss that your family will share. Blessings to you all."

Monica Yaney Tolva from Crystal Lake, IL

"Sending Larry off with my respect and great memories! I was one of those interns to whom he couldn't be more encouraging and welcoming. Under his leadership, I helped with the Ebwabet Potawatomi statue and assisting the Finance Department during many school breaks. I remember with glee how once we climbed the interior scaffolding used to clean and repair the St. Charles Municipal Building's 1940 Art Moderne lighted tower. And how scared we were for him after his horrible bicycle accident. He honored me by attending my 1991wedding. Godspeed to a gracious man!"

Diana Erickson from Batavia, IL

"Larry was a wonderful person and a great mentor to me. He is the primary reason I stayed in public service. He was sincere and has incredible integrity. I have not and will never forget him. My deepest sympathy to his family."

Dawn Peters from Rochelle, IL

"I was so very sorry to hear of Larry's passing. I went through the MPA Program with Larry and he hired me as a consultant for a project in St. Charles after graduation. He was a always supportive and his obituary captures his essence perfectly! I now serve as Executive Director of ILCMA. As a former member, ILCMA will donate $100 to the ICMA Fund for the Profession in Larry's memory. May his memory be a blessing to all of you!"

Pat Muetz from Gurnee, IL

"I was fortunate enough to serve as an intern under Larry while attending graduate school at NIU. After meeting Larry during my interview, I knew working with him in St. Charles is where I wanted to be. Over the next two years Larry included me in nearly every facet of city administration. My fondest memories are our one-on-one weekly meetings where we discussed work, school and life in general. The knowledge, advice and life lessons Larry shared during these times were invaluable. To those who didn’t know Larry he came off as dry and reserved, but was actually a very funny guy who had a great sense of humor! This caught a lot of people off-guard…which only added to the spirit of the moment. His laugh is something I will never forget! After completing graduate school and my internship I was able to secure a position in local government management. Despite two years passing since I left St. Charles Larry and Sharon made the drive to Wisconsin attend my wedding. That’s the type of guy Larry was…always keeping in touch, offering assistance and genuinely caring about how I was doing. A few years after that I was able to hire Larry to assist with our community’s strategic plan. He loved planning and did a tremendous job for us. Much of my success today is a direct result of the time I spent under Larry. He was a true professional who cared about those around him and took personal ownership in helping them excel and achieve their goals. I am forever thankful that I had the privilege of having him in my life."

Stephen B. Friedman from Chicago, IL

"I am very sad to hear of Larry's passing. Way too young. I first started working with Larry in about 1995 or 96 when he was still Finance Director. He was a pleasure to work with and his leadership transformed St. Charles' downtown. He was missed after he retired and will be sorely missed now. My wife Anita joins me in sending our personal condolences to Sharon and the rest of the family."

Robert E. Carter from St. Charles, IL

"Always a pleasure to work for & with Larry. A gentleman to the end. RIP sir, you deserve it."

Jim Friel from Chatham, IL

"We were very sorry to hear about Larry's passing. You and your family will be in our prayers.Love, Jim and Pam Friel"

Paul and Bernadeta Anthoney from St. Charles, IL

"Larry was a friend, neighbor, mentor and one of the nicest and caring people we have ever known. In his working capacity he set an example that inspired the best in everyone around him. He will be sorely missed by us and so many others. Our condolences to Sharon, Mike and the rest of their family."

Peggy Colby from Batavia, IL

"I was so sorry to hear this. Larry was also a mentor to me. He taught me so much that I can’t begin to list it all. I wouldn’t be in my current position if it were not for him. I enjoyed doing those budgets with him and have them all. I have one of his cartoons hanging in my office still today. I hope that hearing how much he influenced so many brings you comfort. Wishing you warm memories and peace."

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