Niem Ngoc Huynh
April 3, 1950 - September 22, 2022

September 25, 2022 | 4:00 P.M-6:00 P.M. -
Yurs Funeral Home
405 East Main Street
Saint Charles, IL 60174 - Funeral
- September 25, 2022 | 6:00 P.M-8:00 P.M.
Yurs Funeral Home
405 East Main Street
Saint Charles, IL 60174 -
Burial Location
Union Cemetery
Obituary to follow.
A recording of the funeral service can be accessed via the link below
Passcode: UmHL71?7
Michelle Canada Holda from Saint Charles, IL
"My deepest sympathies to the entire family. My heart hurts as this man was a wonderful person, dad, grandfather and husband. He was a hard worker and I loved every encounter with him. I’m not sure he realized when I came to the salon how much he helped me especially the last two years. He helped reduce the pain I was in always with a smile on his face. May God smile favorably on him for a job well done. God bless. And please bring comfort to his family during this hard time.Michelle"