
Home 9 Obituaries 9 Rev. Reuben Baerwald

Rev. Reuben Baerwald

October 24, 1925 - December 31, 2021

Rev. Reuben Baerwald Rev. Reuben Baerwald
    January 7, 2022 | 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Friday
  • Yurs Funeral Home St. Charles
  • Funeral
  • January 8, 2022 | 11:00 A.M. Saturday
  • St. Marks Lutheran Church 101 S. 6th Ave St. Charles

Rev. Reuben C. Baerwald went peacefully to his eternal home December 31, 2021, at the of 96, with his wife Martha at his side. Rueben Carl Martin Baerwald was born October 24, 1925, in Horicon, WI and baptized on November 29, 1925.

Education: Concordia College, Milwaukee, WI 1939-1945 (Graduate Cum Laude), Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO 1945-1949 B.A. 1946 B.D. (MDiv 1946). Vicarage in Campus Ministry 1947-48 Sampson College, Sampson, New York, and Hobart & William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. Concordia Seminary St. Louis, MO, Graduate Summer courses 1964-65; 1967-68, Graduate Fellow 1949-1950 B.D. (M Divinity) 1949, Concordia Seminary Graduate School, St. Louis, MO 1964-65, occasional graduate courses in Philosophy, Southern Illinois University,

Carbondale, IL, Personnel Management Program: Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Church Executive Development, Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Secretary, Department of Campus Ministry Lutheran Council USA. 1969-1973, Executive Director Division of Campus Ministry & Educational Services Lutheran Council in the USA, 1973-1983. After accepting the Call to come to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, St. Charles, IL, he was Installed on November 6, 1983. Pastor Baerwald has said of his time at St. Mark’s, “Coming to St. Mark’s

was the capstone of his parish ministry – to serve a congregation like this and to finish that phase of my life in such a joyful situation.” After retiring in 1990, in 1994 he became assistant to the Northern Illinois District presidents serving a total of 3 district presidents! He enjoyed being Pastor Emeritus of St. Mark’s and preaching especially during holidays. The last time he was able to enjoy preaching was on Christmas Day 2018! He also loved teaching Bible studies, leading book reading discussion groups, listening to beautiful music and singing in the choir. He was very grateful God blessed him with so many ways to serve Him for 71 years. Favorite foods were Chinese food, steaks, ribs, ice cream and he ate popcorn almost daily!

He loved fishing, golfing, tennis, playing cards and getting together with family and friends.

He was preceded in death by his father, Charles Carl F. Baerwald, his mother Amanda (nee Quandt) Baerwald, his sister Mildred Drager (Norm), his brother-in-law Norman Drager, his brother-in-law Robert Dunham (Beata), his nephew Brian Dunham, his brother-in-law Greg Lampard (Sarah), previous spouse Margery (nee Wind) Baerwald (mother of Susan & Charles) and previous spouse Joan (nee McCauley) Baerwald (mother of twin sons John & Mark). His son Mark went to Heaven in February 2021.

Survived by his spouse Martha (nee Spell) Baerwald (married nearly 19 ½ years), daughter Susan (Ken), sons; Charles and John, grandson David Mitchell, sister Beata (nee Baerwald) Dunham, Dr. Rosalind (nee Dunham) (Dr. Eric) Leaming (Michael, Whitney, Nicolas), Sarah (nee Dunham) (Greg) Lampard (Tyler, Mega, Annie), nephew Steve Drager (Bonnie) son, Bobby & niece Sandra Drager. Stepdaughter Patricia (nee Fisher) (Aaron) Van Dyke (Megan, Lauren, Daniel (Jennifer) and great grandsons Jackson & Owen Van Dyke. Stepsons; John (Miriam) Fisher, (Samantha, Tiffani, Hope), Joel (Nikki) Fisher, (Jackson & Joshua (Meghan)) & great grandson Lucas, stepson Craig (Desi) Fisher, (step-grandsons Boden & Henry).

Visitation Friday January 7th from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. at Yurs Funeral Home,  405 East Main Street, St. Charles, Il.

Visitation also will be Saturday January 8th  at 10:00 A.M. followed by a “Celebration of Life” funeral service at 11:00 a.m. at St. Mark Lutheran Church, 101 S. Sixth Avenue, St. Charles, Il .

The service will be live streamed at this link:

In lieu of flowers memorials may be sent in Pastor Baerwald’s name to : St. Mark Lutheran Church or Lutheran Child & Family Service, 18W200 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook Terrace, Illinois 60181.












Gwen and Bill Zeiter from St. Charles, IL

"I have known Pastor since he was called in the 80’s to shepherd St. Mark( he always said there should be no ‘s as it was Christ’s church, not St. Mark’s). He was the only pastor we’ve had who knew all the rules for the Altar Guild to follow. In fact, he bought books for each of us to have as reference. He’d be the only one who noticed if a parament color was wrong or if communion was not set quite right. In his later years he became the beautiful booming bass behind my soprano in the choir. He loved church music and had such a repertoire of his favorites. I will be blessed to sing one of them with the choir at his funeral. Even so, our very best time spent with him was the last few years. After his fall in 2018, we were sure he’d never be able to walk again. He surprised us, after months of therapy, to be able to get around with only a cane, continuing to lead Sunday morning Bible Study, his Book Club and serving on our recent call committee.The past year when he was bedridden at home in front of his cowboy shows on the big TV, we continued to be blessed by time with him, bantering about everything from Dick Tracy to the church picture directory from the 80’s. He will be terribly missed but we are so grateful he gave us a full bonus year to enjoy him after his diagnosis looked much different. I know he is probably leading a Bible Study right now and sharing his beautiful bass voice with a most perfect Heavenly choir. We will always treasure our time with him, soaking up his wisdom and hearing his enthusiasm for the Word and the music that was inspired by it. We are for always blessed by having him in our lives. Gwen and Bill"

Kristin Grayson from San Antonio , TX

"He was a lovely and compassionate man. He gave great comfort to my””our father Dr. Grayson in his final days in 2010 including the final night where he shared the 23rd Psalm. We will always miss him in our hearts."

Sue Rothmeyer from River Forest, IL

"I enjoyed meeting Reuben through our shared campus ministry connections. Joining with others as we celebrate his life and mourn his death."

Pr. Ron Weidler from Batavia, IL

"Then NID Pres. Ted Laesch asked Reuben to address all the new District workers after I arrived in 1996. I was impressed! Clearly this was a man who knew not only his "stuff." He knew his Lord and gave wonderful witness to Him! Over the past 25 years that first impression only grew. He offered great insight to me in my role as pastor, Circuit Visitor and Board of Director member. Wisdom permeated virtually everything Reuben shared and did. He will be sorely missed by all. Well done, good and faithful servant! See you later!"

Janice and Nicholas Sigona from Franklin, TN

"I had the pleasure of singing in the St. Mark's church choir with Pastor Baerwald also and was impressed by his memory of church music and which colored Lutheran hymnal it came from. He mentioned to me once how humbled he felt once when being cared for by the nurses in the hospital. We enjoyed when he did guest preaching on a Sunday morning and how when he spoke with you he gave you his undivided attention. He was so willing to share God's love with others. Martha, you are in our prayers."

Rosalind Leaming from Steamboat Springs, CO & Indianapolis, IN, IN

"Remembering Uncle Rueben,When I was quite young, my parents were to dine with Uncle Reuben and his wife. We kids were to stay at home. The choice was hot dogs vs steak. I am afraid I caused enough of a stink that I got a steak. I also remember playing make believe in his beautiful church, i clearly remember the stairs to the vestry. That changed in later years, I remember an uncle who would discuss all the doubts and questions I had concerning my faith using his incredible knowledge of The Bible, biblical sources, and modern theologic thought. He was both respectful and thoughtful when I questioned so much. I consider myself a scientist but Uncle Reuben’s council helped me find my faith. It helped that he liked the west and adventure too. I wish he had made it to Steamboat to fish. My condolences to Martha, Charles, Susan and John."

Bette Wine from St. Charles, IL

"Martha, I was so sorry to hear about Reuben. The Lord was ready for him and he's with The Lord. George and Reuben are together in Glory.Love, Bette"

Laurie Stephans from Plano, IL

"God apparently decided that Betty White needed a charming and knowledgeable escort through the pearly gates on New Year's Eve.Reuben leaves behind an only slightly smaller universe of people who were blessed by his love and friendship, ministry, sense of humor, compassion, and joie de vivre. He started out as my pastor, and ended up as my friend.Well done, good and faithful servant! You are already missed.Godspeed, and cheers!May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face;the rains fall soft upon your fieldsand until we meet again,may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Mike and Míchelle Albers from Batavia, IL

"Pastor Baerwald was a true shepherd; his orthodoxy will be missed."

Julie Novak from St Charles, IL

"This man touched my soul. I genuinely felt the Holy Spirit coming though him. I’m so happy he now has the opportunity to experience all the wonders he has waited for."

Dean G. Alexandrou from Worcester , MA

"Thank you for being a loyal friend to my dad, George Alexandrou, my father often spoke about father Ruben, May his memory be everlasting and always remembered our prayers and condolences to a inspirational legend. My father often mentioned him as a loyal and well regarded friend. God bless.Dean, Diane, Christian and Danaë Alexandrou Worcester, MA."

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